Packaging examples

Our packaging machines are suitable for processing a wide range of products, with weights from 100 grams to 50 kg. We offer solutions for various materials, shapes and packaging types, such as foil, net, mesh, burlap and paper bags. Our machines offer various closing options, and can also pack several smaller bags into a larger master bag, which is ideal for transport. In addition, our machines are able to fill containers in different shapes and materials, and possibly close them with a lid or wrap them in foil. Our range is completed by a crate filler and a box filler.

Bulk bags

Mesh bag

Burlap bag

Paper bag

Plastic bag

Plastic bags

Pouch bag

Wicket bag

Poly bag

poly bag with carrots

Poly bag

Paper bags

Paper pillow bag

Paper master bag

Paper bag

Bulk paper bag

Net bag

Mono material net bag

Net bag

Cellulose net bag

Net bag






Rollstock bags

Rollstock mesh bag

Master mesh bag

Poly bag

Poly pouch bag

VFFS packaging

Quatro seal

Carry fresh

Block bottom bag

Pillow bag

HFFS packaging

Wrapped product

Wrapped punnet

Wrapped punnet

Wrapped product

Engineered for you. Built to last.

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The Mantertainment is sent out once a quarter and is written entirely in English.