Cherries packed in two sizes clamshells and crates

Customer Struma Fruit

Location Bulgaria

Date 20/5/2021

Our dealer, Agrien Ltd in Bulgaria, sold a project to customer Struma Fruit EOOD. Struma Fruit asked for a solution to weigh and pack cherries in different types of packaging: 2,5 and 5 kg crates and 500gr and 1 kg in clamshells. As a solution, Manter offered a waterbasin, a chainbelt elevator, a M12iV weigher with a Crate Filler on one side and a Clamshell Filler on the other side of the weigher. The complete line is made entirely of stainless steel and guarantees a high hygiene standard, because of the IP65 rating, and a longer durability.


The cherries are collected in a basin filled with cold water. The cherries are floating and easily taken out of this basin by the chainbelt elevator that is partly submerged. The flights of the elevator help to bring the cherries into the weigher.

Clamshell Filler

The Clamshell Filler is designed to handle cherries with care to avoid bruising this delicate fruit. The Clamshell Filler has two intermediate buckets right above the clamshells. This machine fills two clamshells at the same time. This gives a capacity of up to 40 bpm. Also this packaging machine has a quick exchange system to reduce the change-over time to a minimum when changing to a different size clamshell.

Crate Filler

The Crate Filler is specifically designed to handle cherries, offering the flexibility to fill either a 2,5 or a 5 kg crate. It is equipped with an intermediate bucket in order to reduce drop heights. In addition, the funnel moves down towards the crate to make sure no cherries are spilled. The funnel is designed as a ‘quick exchange system’ which allows rapid switching of crate sizes. The final option is the sensor at the end of the conveyor belt which stops the filling process if the crates are not removed. The capacity of the Crate Filler is up to 15 crates per minute.

M12i V

The M12i V weigher is designed to process delicate products like cherries. Teflon-coated sponge inside of the buckets, brushes instead of dosing flaps, neoprene wavebelt instead of standard PVC make it a product friendly system. This all helps to maintain a high quality level of fruits.

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