VFFS-machine (Vertical Form Fill and Seal)
The Ilapak Vegatronic 500 is a high quality automatic intermittent vertical packaging machine, ideal for fruit and vegetables. This machine can produce various foil bags (pillow, block bottem gusseted) with a capacity of up to 60 packages per minute.
Category Fresh produce
Type Vertical packaging machine
Material Stainless steel
Class IP54
Related machines VegaTronic 2000, VegaTronic 6000, VegaTronic 6400
Suitable for CarrotsCitrusFishFrozen fishFrozen meatGarlicMeatNutsOnionsPotatoesProcessed carrotsProcessed potatoesProcessed unionsProcessed vegetablesRadishSproutsTomatoes
Weight range 0,1 to 2,5 kg
Max. bag width (mm) 300
Max. bag length (mm) 350