
Packaging machines

VegaTronic 6400

VEGATRONIC 6400 (VFFS – Vertical Form Fill and Seal) packaging machine.

VFFS-machine (Vertical Form Fill and Seal)

The Vegatronic 6400 is an evolution of ILAPAK’s top-performing Vegatronic 6000 packaging machine, which has been developed and adapted to meet specific requirements in terms of sanitary design, accessibility and rapid changeover.

Packaging examples


Category Fresh produce

Type Vertical packaging machine

Material Stainless steel

Class IP65

Suitable for CarrotsCitrusGarlicOnionsPotatoesRadishSproutsTomatoes

Weight range 0,1 to 5 kg

Max. bag width (mm) 400

Max. bag length (mm) 550

Robust design
Low maintenance
Involved partner

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