
Product-friendly weighing and packaging solution for apples and pears

Customer GV Independant Packers

Location Australia

Date 20/10/2022

In particular, we would like to thank our Dealer Wyma Solutions in Australia and New Zealand.

GV Independant Packers (GVIP) is an Australian family business with a long history in growing and packaging fruit. The company is based in Shepparton, about a two-hour drive north of Melbourne in the province of Victoria. Most products, apples, pears and stone fruit, are sold directly to the large supermarket chains. GVIP has about one hundred permanent employees, during the high season this number increases to about five hundred.

Staff shortage

Fruit and vegetable growers in Australia are also faced with major staff shortages. The Australian government had taken strict measures to prevent the spread of the corona virus. Before Covid broke out, GVIP could mainly count on young people (backpackers) who paid for their travel and long stay by working there.


GVIP is continuously looking to automate the entire process from picking to packaging. The condition is that the average employee must be able to operate the machines. In collaboration with our dealer Wyma, we therefore delivered our fruit weigher M14 SF and Clamshell punnet filler to GVIP in the spring.

Wishes of the customer

The customer was looking for a solution to save labor, weigh more accurately and faster, and be able to use both plastic and cardboard punnets on the same line. Until then, everything was still filled and weighed by hand. In addition, the soft fruit is very fragile, bruising and damage accelerate the spoilage. The M14 Soft Fill is designed without drop heights, from the elevator the product rolls through the hopper, weighing buckets and discharge belt towards the packer. We also softened the last ‘fall’ from the feed belt into the punnet by means of an automatic brush that extends during filling. The fall is broken and thus ensuring a soft landing.


The customer has been able to replace a significant number of jobs by using our machines. The capacity was pre-released at about 22 punnets, in practice they run 33 strokes per minute of 1 kg. GVIP is very pleased with the end result, they have reduced costs, efficiency and reliability have increased.

Jeroen Zandman

+31 591 626 300

Feel free to contact us for personal advice!


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