VFFS-machine (Vertical Form Fill and Seal)
The Ilapak Vegatronic 2000 is an automatic, intermittent vertical packaging machine specially designed for fruit and vegetables. This machine offers high flexibility in packaging formats, thanks to its Open Frame structure that guarantees unique accessibility for cleaning and maintenance. The VT 2000 can easily switch between different packaging materials, such as heat seal films and LPDE, and between pillow bags and stand-up pouches, without the need for tools. With a capacity of 60 bags per minute, the VT 2000 ML is ideal for manufacturers who require a high degree of flexibility in their packaging processes.
Suitable for CarrotsCitrusGarlicOnionsPotatoesRadishSproutsTomatoes
Weight range 0,1 to 5 kg
Max. bag width (mm) 400
Max. bag length (mm) 500